Are your Words Warping your Reality?

The quality and clarity of our communication with self and with others is essential in the alignment of hearts, you with your own heart, and also, with the hearts of all those around you. People may not always like or agree with what you think and say, but when delivered with grace, they will feel the heart centered place from which it came. 

We need to recognize the insane amount of power that our voice and our words behold. What we say and how we say it, is directly connected to the way that we experience ourselves in each moment of the now, thus our level of happiness. The intent behind our words is where our integrity lies, and when we take that intent and manifest it onto this physical plane through the sound vibration of our voice, we are literally speaking and shaping our current reality. Is your house being built with vengeful daggers and ignorant dogma or is it being built with honor, backed with your conscious, pure, intent?

So the ‘what’ of your message is the entree and the tone of which it is delivered is the side dish. 

And because we learn everything we need to know in kindergarten, we can recall the poster that asked us to think three questions before we speak: is it true, is it helpful, and is it coming from a loving place? Our recipes are often times filled with ingredients like manipulation, fear, mistrust, and jealousy which I can guarantee will taste like a burnt pile of dog shit posing as chocolate creme brulee. For our dessert to taste rich and flavorful, the ingredients must be of superior quality. Just as your thoughts must be consciously tended to on the inside so they can go outside to be used as a force of good by Luke Skywalker versus a force of dark by Darth Vader.

Our words can be gifted as an offering to spread light or they can be demonized and spewed out as the oppression of dark. Our words get to be our contribution to goodness and so the demeanor in which they are contributed ought to be treated as a red carpet VIP. The tone of my delivery can be that of a Nobel prize stature or that of a Kanye West disaster. The energy behind how we give and receive words rolls in right behind the content of the words we are expressing.

So here’s to being Crusaders of the conscious kind, led by our fierce heart and flanked by our exalted expression.

My gratitude goes out to you dear brothers and sisters who have taken the time to read this and consider my perspective. My intent is never for these messages to be a “telling,” but more so an offering, of which you can receive or reject any part of, and in either case, will hopefully arm you with more clarity. Note, that I am never claiming to have all of this embodied, but more so what I am trying to integrate and alchemize into my own ways of being. 

All my love and blessings,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler