Have You Bought into "the LOVE lies?"

What even is love? We’ve got all kinds of songs, quotes, and affirmations dedicated to it, yet how clear are we on what it is, what it feels like, how we be it, how we give it, and how we receive it? This kind of clarity is what will separate the conditioned, copy-cat conformity that is camouflaged as love from the actual bona-fide, real deal love. It kinda reminds me of the physical asana in yoga, we contort ourselves into some crazy ass shapes to mirror something we have seen on social media or are being told is yoga, when we have never truly established what the heck it is in the first place. 

We have all been indoctrinated with “the love lies” by our particular life’s experience. And we have been spoon fed generations upon generations of examples like: love is sacrifice, love is giving up your opinion, love is having the same opinion, love is marriage, love is sex, love is only found in another person, love is money, and yada, yada, yada….

Love is oneness, but not sameness. Yes, you and me, we are one, we are of the same fabric, but we are unique and quite different. Fear criticizes, compares, and is threatened by this difference, but love sees, celebrates, and trusts this difference. Love holds difference in regards so high, that wings are born into being, because to love is to fly….free, uninhibited, liberated, so as to sail across the sky into the sunrise and shine its’ shiniest beams for all the world to be warmed by. 

We all must decide that who we are right now is: love. That it’s not something we can get, force,  accomplish, fall into or out of…. Love is something we must remember. Every. Single. Day. We must decide that we are inherently good so we can stop this maddening, ‘Where’s Waldo’ search for our worthiness and instead of looking for love, just BE love. We get to ‘make it rain’ with our love and shower it upon every single inner action and outer action that we have. We get to liberate love from exploitation to expansion, from possessive to empowering, from expectation to invitation. Right here, right now, today, we get to live as love, in love, and from love as the enlightened love warriors of this land.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. My gratitude only grows as our options and outlets of what to “take in” amass on the daily. With the endless amount of links and podcasts and virtual offerings being slung our way, I am in awe that you chose to engage with my perspective. May each breath you breathe be in love and peace for yourself and for all of humanity. 

So much love,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler