"Oneness" isn't Working
Oneness seems to be a common phrase thrown about in the spiritual world and for sure a trending hashtag in Instagram Land. “We are all one,” is preached and prescribed as the blanket cure for all dis-ease. One people, one race, one planet, one love….all phrases I adore. Yet, if I’m being real, I feel separate….I am here and you are there, I am me and you are you, I believe this and you believe that, I see it this way and you see it that way, I call it teal and you call it green.
In my pervasive microscopic view of life, separation is more prevalent than unification. We are inundated with confirmation that this is truth by our culture and media who are the powerful propellent of this notion. We are bombarded with overt and subtle programming to support separation, all day, every day. Instead of bashing social media and the corruption of our government, I vote we use this separation to inspire solution rather than more sabotage. Let us see how the contrast of me and you, can be the birth of appreciation rather than agitation and the opportunity for construction instead of destruction….for this attitude is the difference in feeling awesome or feeling agony. You are free, if you feel free.
The tendency is to dismiss and deny what is different. So let’s edit that script and instead, use what is different to promote gratitude. Whether that gratitude is for the contrast or the cohesion, either way, it’s clarity, and to be clear is to see. Our vision is the very attribute that needs to be strengthened to recognize oneness. Imagine the boundless space required for the creator to have the vantage point to see all of creation! It is only through this kind of vast vision that we can even begin to conceive the very seeds necessary that will blossom into the flowers of our freedom.
The potent fragrance of freedom gets to be our daily reminder to co-erce seperation into unification by way of gratitude. Gratitude for what is and for what isn’t, and not just for black or for white…but for all of the colors, for the desert and the ocean, and for all that is you and also different from you. The radical willingness to embrace, is the essence of oneness.
We must release the forces of resistance and fear so that we can live in our divinely gifted kingdom of free. Our Freedom.
Dearest soul fam….THANK YOU. I’m in perpetual awe of your devotion and dedication to growth and to immerse yourself with content that will inspire that growth. By refusing to participate in society’s agenda and swim in its’ seas of nonsense, we are actively changing the world.
All my love and blessings to you,
Andrea Dawn