Marriage is the Answer
I’ve heard many times over, and I too am guilty, of spitting the phrase, “the only constant is change.” This is not truth. Truth is, there is a constant, and that is the light of my soul. But, I am often-times so disconnected that what I feel and what I resonate with, is all of the fluctuations and change, versus the pure light of creation and goodness that I am. I can point the finger to all of the usual suspects, the people, programs, greed, and corruption that is responsible for this. But, ultimately, it is me, choosing to participate in a cycle of blame and victimhood that will keep me on the “spin cycle” of suffering for eternity, just bouncing back and forth from one problem or dislike to the next, a perpetual prescription to keep me locked in the prison of my mind.
Your light is yours to bask within. It’s like that perfect 80 degree, no humidity, slight breeze, kinda day where your only mission is to find a space of earth to lie down and feel the sunshine, soft and warm upon your skin. But here we are, jumping into our cars and chasing down hurricanes and tornadoes and then wondering why we are always feeling like we are broken and battered from the weather of our life.
I am certainly not proposing that we ignore the storms when they come our way, but I am suggesting that we don’t actually go out and look for them. What we tend to with love and devotion, is what will emerge, so, court your light. Make it a love affair. Bring it flowers and whisper sweet words. Prioritize this marriage because it goes far, far beyond, “death do us part.”
The one and only person in this whole entire world that has direct access to your light, is you. You get to be Marco and it’s a guarantee that Polo is in there waiting for you to speak his name.
Yet, we are skeptical of the guarantee, we don’t really believe that Polo is actually in there. We don’t really believe in the magnificent light beam of magic that we are. So we go around desperately yelling Polo in our places of work, in our homes, to our families, in the refrigerator, and in the corridors of our schooling. And every once in a while some poser claims to be Polo and we believe it for a hot second, only to be devastated when we are blasted with what feels like a bomb, in the despair of the realization that no other person can be our savior.
Polo is not out there, Polo is in there. Time for us to re-route the coordinates of our exploration and take charge as the resolved captain who has the power to choose, every day, in which direction to point the ship. Choose to point your ship inward. Dare to explore the unknown. Wholeheartedly set your compass to the direction of LIGHT and sail yourself into the sea of sunshine where Polo is sure to be kickin’ it, with a pina colada and a lounge chair calling your name.
Showering you with gratitude dear soul who has taken the time to read this. May it have served you and your expansion with exactly what you needed to expose your light, your purusa, just a little bit brighter. Stay tuned as we will continue to dive into the content that lies at the heart of yoga. May you be well. May you know your goodness. May you experience the light of your soul.
Bless Bless Bless,
Andrea Dawn