The Koshas: Anandamayakosha

Yoga is not only practice, but a state of which we can experience. To experience the state of yoga, we must yolk, or merge all of the different aspects of ourselves. It is helpful to understand that we are composed of a physical body, an energy body, a mind body, a wisdom body, and a bliss body, collectively known as pancha kosha. Today we are discussing the bliss body, or the anandamaya kosha. 

It already feels confusing to say bliss body, because we are not talking about a physical body. Anandamaya kosha is the part of ourselves we get to experience when we stop identifying so deeply with the body, or the mind, or the intellect. This kosha is beyond definition, for how can we use words to define, when by their very nature, words are: limited, confined, to human mind interpretation and subject to each individuals’ varied perception. It seems that maybe this space can best be described in terms of moments. 

Perhaps bliss is known, when the knowing and the knower become unimportant. When knowing ceases to hold hierarchy over other humans and when the knower forgets to identify with the known as what makes them worthy. It's the moonlit ocean lapping the shores of the beach as your feet disapear into the sand, it's the moment of perfect harmony in a sea of Om's at yoga class, it's waking in the morning and not even remembering who you are, it's the dance of a campfire at dusk. 

Now it's your turn, can you recall a moment when the masqerade of the me, my, and mine ceased to lead the parade? Can you decide right now that these moments have the capacity to multiply based on your sincerity and commitment to making them matter? Bliss resides in every moment, and so can you.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU!

How brilliant to shine with you. This practice, this work, is the change. Each moment of peace we sustain, multiplies into the universe and often times we under value just how important these moments really are.


Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler