The Vayus: Prana Vayu
Last week we wrapped up our exploration of the pancha koshas or the sheaths of our being. During that study we acknowledged pranamaya kosha or the energetic body of which houses our life force or that which enlivens our bodies, our minds, and our beings. This aliveness, known as prana, can be subdivided into five more subtle energies called vayus which can be translated as: "wind." The root of the word is: va, or that which flows. These flowing energies move in different directions and control different parts of us. These five vayus are: prana vayu, apana vayu, samana vayu, udana vayu, and vyana vayu.
Today we take a closer look at prana vayu or what is sometimes referred to as the: "wind of life” or, “the breath of vitality," not to be confused with prana in its more general meaning. Prana vayu is associated with the heart chakra, it flows inward and upward. Prana vayu is like the gatekeeper, it functions to influence the other four subtle pranas. It is in charge of the reception of all that we intake including our inhalation, food, water, senses, and thoughts.
Prana V is the VIP at the most important reception of your life. She must learn to receive with grace, wisdom, and confidence. Her grace allows her to understand that she deserves to recieve in the first place, her wisdom, guides her in the, "how to" use her gifts in service of her highest potential, and her confidence will remind her that not all guests are deserving to be at her party. Be the VIP at the party of your life. Each day you get to set the venue, the guest list, the playlist, and the caterer. Each day you decide wether to dance or dawdle in the corner, and if you were born in the 80’s like me, you know that, “no one puts baby in the corner.” Now let's have the time of our lives!
Muchas Gracias Dear Reader,
May this interpretation of Prana and its’ powers serve to spark your curiosity into all things YOU.
Andrea Dawn