The Koshas: Vijnanamayakosha
The koshas are the layers of which we are composed and collectively are known as pancha kosha. These layers are not separate from one another, each layer holds influence upon one another. Because we can easily accept that we have a physical body, this is an excellent place to begin. The physical body or annamaya kosha is bridged by the breath and takes us to the energy body or pranamaya kosha which then takes us to the mental body or manamaya kosha where we experience all of our internal dialogue. Today we dive in and through the mental body to arrive at the wisdom body. This layer or sheath is called the vijnanamaya kosha (pronounced: vigyanamaya kosha). This kosha is where we develop awareness, discernement, intellect, and knowledge.
Vijnanamaya kosha is less obstructed than the other layers and therefore closer to our atman, or our true selves, which is why yoga is concerned with relieving the stress and struggle of the other koshas so that we have more and more opportunities to reside here in this space. Our presence here strengthens our abilities to discern, to be objective, to be a witness, free from the flavoring of our past and our opinions. It is here we are relieved of our tendency to reactivity and our incessant desire for reciprocity and from our dependence to validation from the external world. When all of the needing, wanting, reacting, and being offended ceases, there is a tranquility of which holds space for clarity. Here in this place of not having to do or perform or justify or get somewhere or be someone, we are available to hear our own hearts. Here, we are available to receive instruction from source itself.
Let me assure you, Source never ceases to call, we have just been too busy to pick up, believing that it's more important to answer the call of this friend or that social media post or this drama or that love interest. Today and every day we have the power to simply not pick up the calls that are not from God herself. We can be mindful to not busy up the line with all the things that just don't matter. Perhaps when the internal dialogue or the external dialogue becomes repetitive or undeserving of your attention, you hear the beep beep beep of the busy signal, and allow that to remind you that Krishna or Lakshmi is probably on the other line trying to get through to you. Decide to answer their call because guaranteed the conversation, or perhaps, relief of conversation will be Absolutely enlightening.
Muchas Gracias dearest Reader,
May you know and feel the divinity within and may this information guide you to develop and even deeper relationship with YOU and with the DIVINE.
Andrea Dawn