I'm not the Centerpiece???!!!
Consider yourself a diamond. You are a rare, precious, powerful force of nature. Your brilliance can absolutely stand alone, but it can also compliment a string of jewels on any fantastic bracelet or necklace. Your sense of self is not determined on wether or not you are being the engagement ring or the tennis bracelet.
Our worth doesn't wax and wane with an accessory change, it is always there, sparkling in its’ own starlight, free of the dependence upon its’ role as a center piece. Why? Because we know that we are never actually the center piece, we are a piece of the center, and that center is the source of all of creation. This knowing, that we are made of “IT”, come from “IT”, and are part of “IT” is our personal and collective power. Encapsulating “IT” into words is inconceivable, but perhaps, “integrated truth” could be a start.
The truth has a propensity to be tricky and wears the best costumes EVER. Honesty with ourselves is the basis to our sense of self worth. When we can trust our own self to hear the beep beeping of our built-in lie detectors, we actualize a relationship that is like the “Brangelina” of the early 2,000’s. So you and yourself become this power couple that is capable of kickin’ “IT” anytime, anywhere, under any circumstance.
Our ability to recognize, accept, and integrate our truths is the invitation of limitless potential into our ‘now moments.’ When truth is not resisted and is instead, welcomed, it immediately dispels our veils of ignorance and transforms impossible to possible. Truth is the star of the show and, for sure, gets its’ own dressing room, decked out with all kinds of swag. When we allow truth to do its’ job, we recognize, that its’ pinpricks to our ego are exactly the kind of accountability required for growth and expansion. Those pinpricks are nothing compared to the one punch knockouts that are sure to take us down when we neglect and reject our truth.
The integration of truth in all of our moments equals authenticity, and authenticity is, as the Suess Doctor would say, “the you-iest, you, that you can be.” Realness is your super power, yet, it will often require you to saddle up and be an outlaw in this society, but no doubt, that Grace will gift you the realness reward, a lustrous diamond, encased in integrity, that you can slide on your finger, throw your fist in the air, and send your sparkle to the far corners of this universe and beyond.
As always your attention is a blessing. Thank you. This writing was inspired by my studies on the chakras, specifically Manipura Chakra (solar plexus). Manipura can be translated a “lustrous jewel” which drew forth the diamond metaphor. Get stoked for next week and the heart chakra.
All my love and blessings,
Andrea Dawn