Change is NOT the Answer to your Suffering

I speak of change often. I listen to Michael Jackson’s, Man in the Mirror as daily motivation to make the changes necessary that will harness and direct my energy so as to insperience the experience of my aliveness. No surprise that yet again, something I fully believed to be truth has been willingly masked and martyred because it certainly seems to make sense.

Change seems like it is the answer to all of our problems. Change from oil to solar. Change from Republican to Democrat. Change from paleo to keto. Change from working out to yoga.

Change is about the past, while transformation is about the future. Change occurs on the outside while transformation is born on the inside. When we change something, we improve upon a system, a habit, or way of being, that has already been in place. While this can certainly be of benefit, more times than not, changing ourselves is maddening, falls short, and piles on more feelings of insecurity, apathy, and frustration. Cue numbing and addiction to enter stage left.

Our society preys upon the Disney version of change and just like Cinderella, we are constantly being sold the idea that a new dress, fancy shoes, and a limo ride will be the answer to whatever it is that we are suffering. But just like Cinderella, when the clock strikes midnight, we find ourselves once again blindly scrolling social media, in front of Netflix, and hooked up to an IV of wine.

Let us be bold enough to turn ourselves inside out and begin at the beginning. We live in a world of creation. No blade of grass, cloud, snowflake, or wave is ever the same. Each one is formed in truth, as its own unique masterpiece. We also get to form in truth, the internal scenery that will translate into how we will see, feel, and be, with the external world. 

We must dive in and decide that we are our own works of creation. We have been given the canvas of our bodies along with the paint of our minds, the brushes of our breath, and the strokes of our thoughts, to conceive a unique piece of composition, we call our life. We cannot allow ourselves to be slaves of someone else’s artwork. We will no longer volunteer to be a paint by number. We are willingly painting our lives according to someone else’s vision and then wondering why we don’t find our life breathtaking, why our life feels mundane and mediocre. It will absolutely feel that way until we decide to move from a print to the real deal, from comparison to creation. 

As Bob Marley told us long ago, “emancipate yourself from mental slavery,” for no one but you has the power to dive inside and decide to pick the pallet of your choosing. Paint your own strokes, and perhaps you even throw out the brush because your fingers and the feel of the cold, mushy paint on your skin is the insperience that will transform your experience into your very own magnificent masterpiece, on the canvas that you get a short while to play on, of the mass masterpiece of creation, that is You, in this one of a kind lifetime.

So So very blessed to be connected with you. Each week is a unique exploration of all that is this human experience and this life and it makes my heart so very happy to know that you are not only interested in this exploration, but find my contemplations about it worthy of your time and consideration. 

Many thanks to you dear one,

Blessed Be and Namaste,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler