Our Complaints are the Culprits of Joy

As a human my first priority is to exist in a state of joy or peace or happy or whatever word most accurately encompasses the base line feeling that you want to become your “normal” state of existence. Seems like no biggie right? Yet, how many peoples’ base line or “normal” state is one of fear, or anxiety, or doubt? The tsunami of stimuli that is washed over us on the daily is quite overwhelming. It’s no wonder we are a sea full of people just trying to keep our heads above water. And if we manage to stay afloat for a few breaths you can guarantee there will be a plane flying overhead with a sign flying from its tail, reminding us of some tragedy seemingly happening everywhere. Whether it be senseless crime or political deception or a pandemic. And did you know if it’s written on a sign, it MUST be true (sarcasm). If that doesn’t give you another mouthful of salt water to choke on, than surely a cruise ship will materialize on the horizon carrying a host of Hallmark holograms that appear to be real humans with perfect bodies, in perfect relationships, with perfect children all getting along perfectly in perfectly matched outfits. Now, if you are one of the rare few who have managed not to be pulled in by this rip tide, then don’t you worry because the immense amount of dings and beeps and ringtones will be so deafening that putting your head back under water will feel like the only choice. 

And that right there is the really the most epic part about getting to be a human on this planet, we always get to have choices. We even get to make them up! Our complaints are the culprits of our joy. Let’s take weather for example, while I certainly can’t choose it, I can choose where I live. I can choose the experience and relationship I have with the it. I can cower and complain about the rain or I can strip down naked and count each drop as a blessing. I can bitch and moan about shoveling snow and scraping ice or I can build a snowman and go ice skating. I can flee from the wind on the beach pelting sand in my face or I can go fly my kite. It is our complaints about anything and everything that stand in between the light of our souls and the expression of our souls. If we remove the complaints, it is a direct path from Source to expression. No doubt some complaints are legit and sometimes it’s just a straight up shit storm. No matter which way you flip it, you are still getting shit on (now me being the avid optimist, I say close your nose and feel the soft gooey-ness of the shit like its play dough). But point being, that our life is ours to do with as we please. 

If we choose to placate and live according to Joe or Schmoe’s opinion of how life “should” be lived, then we “should" expect to experience Joe Schmoe’s watered down version of what he has been brain washed to believe about life. But if we choose to insist that the way in which we participate in every single moment will be a direct path to happy or peace or joy, then we have the privilege of becoming the expression itself, so now, I don’t just experience scattered moments of happy, I have become the happy of which experiences only scattered moments of sad and hurt and frustration. Let us all assume our natural state of being and choose to rid ourselves of the complaints posing as our identity….sorry traffic jam, clearly you don’t know how to drive so why would I allow you to drive my day? Sorry cancer, we will invite ease to play but dis doesn’t deserve an iota of my precious time. And sorry cold morning air, I have the super power to drop the E or Y if you want to get technical, and chill on my yoga mat in the park with the trees, regardless of how low you can limbo..

Every single complaint is a portal to the light of our souls. So let us choose to dive into our own depths, transform our troubles, and re-emerge shining like the most radiant beams of sunlight that we are. 

My appreciation for your time and open mind is soooo big. THANK YOU. I hope that I can continue to serve you and present ideas worth contemplating for your own clarity. 

So much love and joy and peace,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler