Have you made the Dollar your God?
It seems to me that a spell has been cast upon us and we have been spoon fed a potion that has deemed the dollar as our Dharma. Our purpose has been poisoned and the dollar has danced its way right up onto a pedestal with a majestical thrown, occupied by the most charming of charmers, of which molds and morphs dependent upon the eye of the beholder. The Dollar Dharma King then bestows his orders with a firm hand, cloaked in mind bending morality so we are easily manipulated into deciding that our day-to-day is supposed to be filled with all the important stuff that’s not actually important. So now we add up these lackluster why’s, poisoned by lies, and this is what we have accepted as to what equates to the value of our existence as humans.
What if we took this deceptive dollar dogma, shifted it just one degree to the right, no not left, because we are going towards right, the kind of right that is the righteous right of true light. What if this one degree to our right shifted our doings to be more important than our dollars and our morals more important than our money.
Let us register our words, our acts, and our choices to power our priorities over our dollars and put the weight of our why's into our doings. Here’s the epic part, these doings are not printed from a privately owned business with its’ own agenda. These doings are printed from the pure essence of our being. The bank account of our heart and soul has now been legitimized as our very own LLC that requires no registration to anyone except for you.There are no hidden fees, fine print, or taxes, unless we so choose to expend our doings to do things that are untruthful or dishonorable. When we spend our doings in deceit, we are first and foremost deceiving our own self because we are the ones to directly experience our own doings. If the doing is dirty then so is our environment, and so will be the way that we feel during our day because this is the only place where life is lived. But if our doing is done out of devotion to life, to love, and to light, then we get to directly experience our doing as our dharma.
The trouble is, someone out there has us all convinced that cashing checks is where the joy is at. I don’t care how much that check is written for, when it’s written out of a wrong, it will never ever feel right enough, to be enough. I don’t think life is about cashing currency from an unknown entity. I think life is about depositing doings from the dreams in our hearts. What if our 9-5 was determined by the depth of these deposits? What if depositing love, kindness, and generosity were 1, 2, and 3, on our “to do" list today? Could it be possible that the act of the deposit is actually the currency itself? We get to birth, breathe, be, and do the deposit of love and creation which will most likely be us drowning in dollars anyway, but of course not because we have praised the dollars, but rather because we have initiated the purity and depth of our doings, as our true dharma.
Our dharma is birthed from the purity of our being and must be put into play that way. All day every day we get to do the doings that are our blessings, birthed by our very own being. We get to produce straight from Source. From being to blessing to bliss. May we all devote ourselves to our dharma over our dollars.
So much love and appreciation for you. THANK YOU. There is so much content out there and for you to have chosen my musings to be important enough for you to consider, is just the BEST. May you experience your dharma as your joy and relish in every moment that you get to be alive here on planet Earth. Until next week….
Blessings and Namaste,
Andrea Dawn