Sutra 1.37: Focus on Another who is Liberated
Sutra 1.37: Vitaraga-Visayam-Va-Cittam
Focus on one who surpassed attachment or on non-attachment itself, or on a quality that is enhanced because of non-attachment
In the past few sutras, Patanjali has suggested a number of places we can focus that will develop our ability to focus, each one, gifting us various benefits, from the breath as our life force, to the refinement of our senses, to our own inner light. Sutra 1.37 bestows upon us yet another meditation technique: to meditate on someone who has surpassed attachment. Perhaps one could consider Buddha or Jesus, Ghandi, or even Pantanjali himself. The technique advises us to afixate our gaze on the virtue or quality it is that we admire or desire to embody more of.
Gurus and Gods and Saints and such have gotten a bad rap. It seems all too often our focus turns to condemnation rather than admiration. Let us consider this practice beyond even admiration, for admiration keeps us on the outside looking in, and this is a practice of going inside and looking out. This is a practice of nurture and attunement. Our work here is not to take the position of judge or juror, but to enroll into our day as devotee to our own divinity. This devotion is to an attribute that you witness in another such as loyalty or compassion or generosity, is to activate it within your own self.
How do you want to be? What do you want to say about yourself at your own funeral? Make a list. I want to be more generous, thoughtful, more patient, more creative, more devoted, more holy, and so on. The only one who has the power to activate and embody these qualities, is me. I am the one who must first see her, then believe in her, then BE her.
The seventh limb of yoga, dhyana, or meditation is when the observer becomes the observed. The more time we spend observing the good, the kind, the happy, and the hopeful, is the speed at which we will become it. Watch the news and you will absolutely not end up in Never-land. Spend your time criticizing others and you cut the cord of connection with your sharpened tongue.
On the other hand, watch for the wonder of the sun rays highlighting the mountains and Neverland becomes your home. Speak stories star-lighting your friends and fellow humans, and create constellations of connections right out into the milky way.
The only way to BE a blessing, is to behold the abundance of blessings in BEING itself.
Muchas Gracias mi hermanas y hermanos,
As always I am so grateful to be here with you making the yoga sutras a compass in our lives. Agreeing or disagreeing is not our work, but coming to know ourselves as good and pure and true IS. How we do that is going to vary for each one of us and so all we can really do is support one another along the journey. Many paths to Source. I celebrate you for choosing to make that pathway a priority.
All my love,
Andrea Dawn