Sutra 1.36: Focus on Your Internal Light

Sutra 1.37: Visoka-Va-Jyotismati

Focus on Your Inner Light to Be Your Light

In Sutra 1.36, not only does Patanjali remind us of the eternal light of goodness and grace that we inherently are, he guides us to strengthen our ability to focus, by making our own light, our focal point. This practice requires us to believe in our light, to have faith that who we really are is far beyond our skin suits, and our professions or non-professions, beyond our pronouns and prejudices, and even beyond our successes and our sufferings.

This practice is a catapult past the mind and all of its’ “make believes” and into the sacred source of the sun itself. The sun shines, every day, all day, just like you, perhaps you may not feel her, perhaps you feel the fierce wind of a lovers quarrel or the torrential downpour of losing a job, but these weathers come and go and come and go again and again and again.

The practice of sensing the source of life itself within you, as you, is the practice of seeing, feeling, believing and being the sun that is the eternal light of your soul. Like anything else what we choose to focus on, will become exponentially more abundant in your atmosphere, so why not make it be your very own flame?!

Our flame only feels foreign because most likely we have ignored its presence for all of our days and years and maybe even lifetimes. Not only have we ignored it, we have most likely layered so many likes and dislikes, wants and wont’s, reactions and retaliations on top of it, that for sure, our ember needs some stoking.

The more time we spend with our flame, the more familiar she  will become. The more we focus on our grace, the less air our greed will have to breathe.

Make it a practice to focus on your light, rise with her daily, sit with her nightly and feel the gift of her radiance bless you abundantly.

Muchas Muchas Gracias mi amigos,

Go be with the sun today. As much as you can, be with her, acknowledge her, remember that her fire warms this Earth and gives us life. Then see if you can feel this source burning within you, and tend to it, with love and care. Acknowledge yourself as the miracle that you are.

All my love,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler