Sutra 1.25: More about Ishvara

Sutra 1.25: tatra niratiśayaṁ sarvajña-bījam

In God, the seed of omniscience is at unsurpassable level. (

Sutra 1.25 gives us another quality of Ishvara and that is omniscience which can be translated as infinite awareness or a knowing of all that is. Ishvara was not born, does not die, is not touched by the Klesha’s (ignorance, ego-ism, likes/dislikes, and fear), and also, is the knower of all. The beauty in is this sutra is two fold, number one: you don’t have to know everything, nor are you expected to, in fact, the more you open yourself to not knowing the more you will have access to the all-knowing energy of Ishvara. And number two: we have been gifted the seed of this knowing. Meaning, we all have the power of potential embedded within us, and it is our birthright to water, nourish and grow this seed, not to be Ishvara, but to be an exquisite stroke of her/his paint brush in this masterpiece painting called humankind.

If we can unsubscribe from the auto-debit, life sucking, subscription to limitation and lack, then we have the choice to intentionally subscribe to the awe and wonder of the infinite, all that is beyond what you have previously chose to believe is possible or impossible. What do you proclaim could never be possible for you? I could never be a millionaire, live in my beachfront dream home, find a loyal dreamy partner, be happy, be free of pain, write a book, sing on stage, whatever….examine your can’ts and ask yourself why not? Those reasons are your poison, and every time you drink them, you water your divine seed with toxic chemical thoughts that absolutely will not sprout your spirit. The time to find as many reasons why you can instead of why you can’t is now.

Perhaps we could consider the shift from I can’t to, I can, our devotion to Ishvara. Perhaps we can take comfort in knowing we don’t have to go out and find the seed, all we have to do is nourish it.

Muchas Gracias beautiful humans,

Once again, I am so honored to receive the gift of your attention and curiosity in the yoga sutras. As always, this is never a telling, it is simply an offering and a version of my limited understanding. I do my best to make it relatable and helpful to your every day life.

So much love,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler