The Warrior Heart Within is Waiting

What does it mean to be a warrior, a virtuous hero? Maybe it’s not so much about the battle, but about how we show up for it and whether or not we have established and accounted for our virtues. We could consider every moment we are awake with ourselves, a moment that is a risk for us to be at war with ourselves. So before we get all riled up and ready to go outside and march for peace, we must first go inside and march for inner peace. It would be like trying to teach algebra without ever having learned algebra. To stand for peace, is to illuminate peace as your consistent state of being.

As our own virtuous heroes, we must arrive ready, willing, and devoted, to address and disarm all of our own land mines. The people we love most will often be the same ones pulling our triggers and boxing us in, so we must be prepared to leave them in the barracks and stay focused on our souls’ mission.

Commitment to our own training is everything; it is what will determine our strength, flexibility, durability, versatility, and resilience. An unwavering, open heart is the ultimate weapon of which offers the only path to victory. A closed heart watches virtually, where as an open heart bravely steps onto the real deal, 3d battle field. Sure, you won’t get banged up and bloody on your couch, but you also won’t be galloping across the field, wind in your hair, proudly flying your victory flag, either. 

As the warrior-ess who chooses the real deal over the virtual one, you are willing to pioneer into pain so as to dis-cover the magnificence of love. The ones who are willing to be raw, real, uncomfortable, awkward, and to not compromise their souls standards for outside approval or dollar dollar bills, are the ones who also get to dance around the sweet heat of the fire, backed by the base beat of the drum, chanting their battle cries into the wee hours of dawn for all to hear. 

So now, instead of considering every moment as a risk to be at war with ourselves, we flip the script, and see each moment as an offering from the heavens, to be love, with ourselves. To be love amongst all of this fear and hate, is warrior-esque. 

Today and every day I must choose to commit to my “no armor” armor which is to embrace that everyone has a right to reject me. To release the idea that my worth is dependent upon anyone else’s approval, is my ultimate, unbridled freedom. In this spacious place is where I can master the art of my sword, which is the willingness to walk alone, away from pre programmed, plastic policies, straight into the woods of wonderment, where frolicking is the only form of transportation, passion is the alarm clock, and laughter is the required attire. 

What’s your “no armor” armor and your sword of choice?

May this clarity serve as your strategy, and this practice as your training, so when you walk back out into the world, you make your debut as a love warrior from the land of virtuous heroes. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you, from my warrior heart to yours. 

Blessings and Namaste,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler