Redefining the Yamas & Niyamas: Svadhyaya: Self Study

Yoga for me means: yearning to operate and grow in awareness, authenticity, and agency. So here is where I am strengthening my agency and deciding that perhaps understanding and committing to svadhyaya before any of the other Yamas or Niyamas might prove helpful.

Svadhyaya is the study of Self. In that four word definition we have a lifetime, or fifty, to undress the little self from the big Self. The little self is who we think we are, the big Self is who we really are. This is a worthy study considering here we are, in these bodies, breathing this breath, speaking, acting, and being with ourselves all day everyday. Yet, how much time do we actually spend reading the instruction manual on the operating systems we have been given and then, objectively observing our thoughts, words, and actions, and reflecting on our ability to operate in this world? We spend much more time learning to do jobs that don’t matter, manage our social media accounts, scanning Netflix, and filling our Amazon shopping carts.

The real practice of yoga demands that we get serious about understanding who we are, who we have become, and who we want to be. The only way to do this is through study. Observing and reflecting on ourselves and our behaviors is essential, but only the second half of the work. We must also commit to learning from the wisdom that is widely available to us through spiritual text. These texts are not there for us to accept or reject, but more so for us to receive, so that we can see a perspective outside of our small town worlds.

By reading spiritual text we can better understand the operating systems that have been graciously gifted to us, for example, the mind. When we understand that the mind is flavored by every single thing we put into it we then understand that if our day is filled with social media, rubbish news, and gossip all day, that is the lens we will be participating in our life through. On the other hand, when we spend our time with philosophy, inspirational people, and love based missions, then this, is the lens we get to participate through. You are the intellect behind these choices and you have to be the one to decide what path you will walk, will it be following the masses lead by a masquerade of characters who seek nothing beyond controlling your mind to acquire your money? Or will it be the path of the yogi, you, yearning to operate and grow your awareness, authenticity and agency?

Muchas Gracias Fellow Yogi,

There more I learn, the more I know, I don’t know. Let us not be overwhelmed by this, but inspired to deepen our yoga journey together.

So much love and grace to you,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler