Love Letter to a Tree
Dear sweet, sweet, Tree,
How do I begin to put into words what cannot be encapsulated with such limited interpretations with unfamiliar origins. Because your origins, they feel so familiar to me, yet, I have left you so far behind, for so very long now. I have repeatedly refused to see you, breathe you, be with you. I have drifted along, dense, dogmatic, and indifferent. I cut and pasted you, into the background, with what I assumed was a guarantee. Without knowing you, I innocently, yet ignorantly expected you. To be there. Where, I could use and abuse you for my comfort, my shelter, and my every endless, unaccounted for, entertainment.
So my dear Tree, please forgive me. I stand before your enlightened aliveness and for the very first time, I see you, beyond the veil of, me. I intentionally and gratefully breathe you, into me, as me, to become one with thee.
My dearest Tree, mother me. Mold me. Hold me. Show me how to patiently and purposefully root in realness. Root in readiness. Root in right-ness. Encourage me to stand strong and steady in silence and in sound. To be of my source, as my source, and in service to my source, always. Even when surrounded in cynicism and self-loathing. Indoctrinate me into your is-ness. Guide my ascension up into your branches of re-birth. Catch me as I am thrust from the womb of the unconscious into your arms of realization. To be named as: Embodied Creation blessed beyond blessed to experience sensation.
Sweet Tree, remind me. Remind me not to forget what I already know. Remind me not to close my third eye so that I can see, beyond the perceptions that pretend to be very real for me. Advise me to thrive in my green, radiate in my red, and be graceful in my brown. Emphasize my demise as the most invaluable prize, perfect in its power to humanize, to harmonize potential as potent symphonies sung silently in the breeze of being. Heard by only the humble hearts of humanity.
Dear sweet, sweet Tree, please forgive me.
*This was inspired by a walking meditation around and around a tree that was so incredibly powerful and clarifying for me. It felt like a direct shift, into the tree’s reality. As we journey our way through these uncertain times, nature is calling to us. Nature is asking us to see her and love her. The connection and lessons that are awaiting to gift us lie right outside your window. I am so so appreciative that you would gift me your time in reading and contemplating this love letter.
Thank you
I love you,
Andrea Dawn