Sutra 1.33: Developing Attitudes: Greet Goodness with Delight

Sutra 1.33: maitri karuna muditopeksanam sukha duhkha punyapunya visayanam bhavanatas citta prasadanam

By learning how to be with ourselves and others in a way that promotes peace is beneficial to all. We can greet happy with friendly, unhappy with compassion, virtuous with delight, and non-virtuous with disregard.

Punya: Virtuous

Mudita: joy; delightfulness:

Sutra 1.33 gifts us with a compass on how to be with ourselves and with others in a way that has the utmost benefit to all. For our own selves this is like spring cleaning, and removing all of the attitudes that are moldy and making us allergic to the abundance of joy available to us. For others, we become a picture into the possibility of what living your love really looks and feels like.

Today we arrive at the virtuous and we are being guided to meet virtue with delight. Seems as natural as rainbow sprinkles on vanilla ice cream, but is it? How often do we question the goodness of others, the why or the why not behind what they did or didn’t do? How often do we disbelieve in our own goodness, by constantly comparing our doings to the doings of others and subscribing to a made up hierarchy of those doings, probably published by Big Pharma anyway. Because if we all knew how incredibly good we are, boom goes their business of bastardizing our souls.

Goodness deserves to be danced and dipped in delight for it is our truest nature. For me, that notion, changed my life, for when I dug down deep, I didn’t really believe in my own goodness and that is where the path of yoga gently guides you: into introspection and reflection that holds your hand, right past the lies, and the cheats, and the sins, right down to the bubble gum center of goodness that is the REAL you. It is from this place, that you get to blow bubbles around all of those lies and cheats and sins you passed on the way down, and pop each and every one.

Regardless of what you’ve done or said or thought in the past, today, is the only day you can do and be and see and celebrate good. Allow your goodness to greet you, every morning, and all you have to do, is greet her back and she will light the way for your good to lead the day.

Namaste my fellow yogis,

These topics can bring up a lot within us, even the charge of many of the words, like virtuous, might trigger all kinds of feelings to arise within you. Yoga asks us to observe all of these arisings with compassion for the experiences we have had of which have caused us these wounds. Reminder that all of this is FOR you and how you choose to use it is up to you. Sincerity and intention are EVERYTHING.

Love and more love,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler