Sutra 1.29: The results of AUM as Japa Mantra

Sutra 1.29: Tatah Pratyak Cetana Adhigamah Api Antaraya Abhavah Ca

The Chanting of Aum (OM) results in obstacles being removed and one-pointed focus

Sutra 1.29 is an extension of the past few sutras where the repetition and contemplation of AUM (OM) as a path to Ishvara and ultimately samadhi were presented. This sutra gives us the results based review that if you were selling the sutras on Amazon would be the key words in your description. Invest in Japa Mantra each day and receive none other than shiny, one-pointed, inward focus, and that’s not all folks, we will even throw in, the removal of: all obstacles to boot.

This sutra reminds me of what it’s like to see and feel the results of working out and eating healthy. Once you get a taste of that feeling, of being strong, and capable, and confident, the motivation to continue, multiplies. It’s like this with un-covering God or Ishvara within you as well. Once you have just a moment of realizing that you are a ray of the sun, or a drop in the ocean, or the embodiment of divine intelligence itself, the desire to seek satisfaction from the external world begins to subside and the fire to dive even deeper within intensifies.

So often we are given spiritual advice without a direction manual. We are told things like: “all of your answers lie within you, you are your own guru, listen to your intuition”…these statements have more times than not, made me feel helpless, not connected, and like I’m just real low in some made up spiritual hierarchy governed by all the best spiritual egos in all of the land. The sutras are our manual and chanting AUM (OM) aloud, internally, with consistency, and tied to your understanding of supreme being is steps 1-4.

Most of us rule out any real results before every committing for any real length of time sourced by consistency.  Peace is not going to come knocking on our door, why, because she is already inside, just waiting to be invited to the table in your temple of OM.

Muchas Gracias Dear Reader,

I think we all just want to be invited, and so does God (Supreme Being, Source, Ishvara, or insert your word). Maybe if we consider every we time we chant AUM (OM) to be an invitation to God to come be with us, that we really want him/her/it with us throughout our day an our moments. Maybe this ongoing invitation is the invitation YOU need to experience yourself as peace and love and joy in more moments than not. I think it’s worth giving a go!

Love and Blessings,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler