Sutra 1.40: Insight & Outsight
In Sutra 1.40 Patanjali offers us the Christmas morning delight that we will get to open when we clear and still the mind with sincerity and consistency. He tells us here that our insight will honor the actual word. Our ability to see within ourselves will develop, as well as our outsight, our ability to see the world, change, and circumstance, with the divine clarity we can only find by being able to see past our ways of being. This kind of seeing penetrates right through all the filters we often don’t even know we are looking through. We will be able to understand the minutia all the way out beyond the universe and into the infinite.
Say what?! I thought I had to die to find out all the mysteries of this multiverse! Come to find out I really just need to sit my ass down, be still, and dedicate myself to developing my ability to focus. The past handful of sutras have given us no shortage of ideas as to where to place our focus.
Imagine you are feeling a way about something that is upsetting to you, and all you had to do was blink three times and click your heels, and total understanding would wash over you, including compassion for all parties involved. Imagine if our real mission in life was not to get all the degrees or all the monies or all the stuffs, but to discover and develop our own superpowers of which will make this roller coaster of life with its’ guaranteed hardships and miseries way, way, way, more joyous infused with the grace of insight and outsight that relieves all the stress, worry, depression and doubt.
Yoga provides countless opportunities for us to see ourselves, the masks that we hide behind, the not so rosy lenses we are looking through, and the halloween costumes we are perpetually dressing up in. Yoga is looking in the mirror and refusing to look away until we arrive, naked, glowing, and radiating our super powers right back at ourselves.
Gracias dear friends,
As always I am so honored to walk (and often times stumble) this yoga journey with you. I am here to remind you that it’s an ever changing, evolving practice, not a perfect. I am here to remind you to show up even when you don’t feel like it, to commit and to be consistent even if it means your practice is only 10 minutes. I am here to remind you that your sincerity trumps any length of time. Thank you for showing up to reading this blog, all time spent with spiritual text matters.
Blessings and Namaste,
Andrea Dawn