Will You Trick Or Truth this Halloween?
The truth can be tricky and unlike Halloween, its’ counter, is most definitely not a treat. It’s kinda of like looking out a window, seeing sunshine and believing that equals tank top weather, until you step outside and feel the frigid air blast your naked arms. The glass that lies between you and the weather, or truth, can be thick, discolored, and gussied up in all kinds of window dressings.
So often what seems true, feels true, or what we have been told is true, is not actually true. This can be devastating and another infamous trick played by the truth pirates. Because now, instead of getting serious about dis-covering truth, we become more distraught and distracted by the untruth and how we feel mislead, deceived, and naive. So instead of putting on my long underwear and North Face parka, I decide to hate the windows and judge the blinds. Instead of spending my day experiencing the reliability of my own temperature gauge outside, I sit inside, writing hate mail to the window manufacturers and demanding a solution to this obvious scheme they have created to make everyone believe it’s warm outside. Their pockets are no doubt, being lined by the tank top industry, of which I will now spend all of tomorrow and the next day complaining about in every single interaction I have, not only in my own internal dialogue, but in my external ones as well. I may even convince some of my friends and family to black out their windows and burn all of their tank tops. It’s frighteningly easy to slide down the waterslide of untruth and be swept into the river of delusion.
Our willingness to experience the experience, unflavored by our past, our people, and our opinions is the most direct path to truth. This requires trust. That by opening our hearts and our minds to what is right here and now, requires no filter, no college education, and no preparation. This demands that we trust showing up to the moment, fully, is enough. It’s enough to make good choices. It’s enough to feel if something is “off,” and it’s enough to sense the integrity or lack there of, the connection being had. What will most certainly NOT be enough, is if we show up halfway and expect to have the whole experience. It’s like covering up one eye and thinking you are going to see with both. The accuracy with which you can perceive, is completely dependent upon the quality and sincerity of your participation.
It’s the difference between playing the game and watching the game. It’s the difference between describing the taste of watermelon and tasting the taste of watermelon. It's the difference between looking at your life and living your life. It’s about being your being, rather than belittling your being. And as cliche’ as it might sound, that, is the eternal gift of the present. All life wants is for you is to make the choice over and over and over again, to unwrap the gift of the moment without thinking you already know what’s in the box and to allow yourself to fully receive its’ immense power, its’ potency, and it’s unknowable possibility.
I’m so incredibly appreciative of your time and trust. To know that you find this valuable enough to read and contemplate is such an honor. To know that you trust my sincerity, devotion, and love to yoga is such a grand compliment.
Thank you dear soul,
Andrea Dawn