Sutra 1.16: Supreme Non-Attachment

Sutra 1.16: tatparaṁ puruṣa-khyāteḥ guṇa-vaitṛṣṇyam

Awareness rooted in Purusha no longer becomes distracted even by subtle energies and attachment is overcome.

Sutra 1.16 delves beyond non-attachment into an even greater way of being, supreme non-attachment. This makes me chuckle on the inside considering just how difficult the first kind of non-attachment is. It's like when you are at the store and you are so stoked to see chunky peanut butter, but then, from the corner of your eye, you spot SUPER chunky peanut butter. As a super sized nation we should already be used to this, now we just have to shift from supersizing the stuff that kills us to the stuff that enlightens us, from whoppers to awareness, and from gulpies to gurus we go.

Once we have detached from our attachments we have the clarity and space to realize our purusha, our unchanging pure and true nature. It is this recognition that hurdles us into spaciousness and gifts us the ability to not have the attachment in the first place. For when we know who we really are, dare I say an extension of source itself, we dissolve the incessant chasing, comparing, gripping, and desire to get and achieve. And right here, at this crevice, is where I believe we begin to drown in confusion.

Walking a spiritual path does NOT mean we don't dream, set goals, have businesses, make money, or challenge ourselves. Quite the opposite, living in spirit, means we use every single one of the above stated actions to learn how to sit in the seat of the witness, observe our own behaviors, triggers, and reactions, and then modify accordingly. The application of these modifications will continue to grow us and give us personalized feedback on learning to lessen our own sufferings. This could otherwise be stated as breaking the bonds of our karma.

Start simple, recall a moment where you didn't like the way you were "being." Chances are in that moment, you were chasing something, clinging to something, not liking something, or trying to change something which all equals forms of attachment. Decide what you will do next time you find yourself in that state, and then practice it. Example: take three long breaths matching your inhalations to your exhalations to the count of siete in espanol (make it fun and personal, I am learning Spanish, so this feels attuned to my specifics). You won't do it every time, in fact you may even ignore yourself when you tell yourself to do it, but over time, this will become your default, and you absolutely will change that behavior.

It is this very change that will heal your heart and your healed heart is one more beat closer to creating heaven on earth.

Muchas Gracias mi hermanas y hermanos,

I am quite honored to meet you here, amongst the studies of the yoga sutras. Yoga continues to show up in my life over and over again with patience, compassion, and practicality. In times of hurt and struggle she reminds me of my goodness and gives me hope by placing the responsibility of this precious Now right in my very own hands. The yogic path welcomes you every day of every moment whether or not you have strayed for days, months, or years. I find solace in that. May you find solace in that as well. One breath at a time. Be well dear ones, take care of your Now and surrender the rest to Source.

All the loves and blessings,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler