Redefining the Yamas & Niyamas: Asteya
For the past few weeks we have been re-defining the order in which we study the Yamas and the Niyamas in the effort to build a foundation that feels resonant and helpful in the understanding of these concepts and also to integrate them into ourselves more profoundly. We began with the commitment to studying ourselves and the equipment we have been gifted as a human and how to operate in this reality (svadhyaya). When we really begin to see ourselves and our unconscious thoughts, words, and choices, it is more than likely that we might feel dislike, dissatisfaction, annoyance, frustration, hopelessness, and the like. For this reason we make it a standard to do this study through the lens of love, compassion, and non-violence (ahimsa). Bringing to light what was once dark requires us to be truthful and to discover where this truth comes from, and ultimately decide that we are, at the core, goodness itself (satya). This understanding gifts us the realization that we get to live and breathe from this place of goodness so that we can generate our energy from this portal of divine goodness. The actualization and intentional output of our energy is how we establish our reality or how we create balance and equanimity in our lives (brahmacharya). The way in which we direct our energy matters. When we place an excess amount of energy in one place or a lack of energy into another, this results in “stealing” Peter to pay Paul! (asteya). This week we look at how “non-stealing” or generosity plays a role in our vitality and ability to remain grounded, centered, and vibrant.
Here is an excerpt from my book: No Mat Required.
“We steal from others all the time. When we are late, we steal people’s time. When we don’t pay attention and tune into our conversations and interactions, we steal people’s energy. When we tell our friends what to do and how to do it, we steal their right to figure it out on their own, When we one-up someone, we steal their time in the spotlight. There are a million more examples, and I invite you to reinforce your commitment to your awareness of asteya by coming up with a few of your own and writing them down. Once acknowledged, they will become part of the way you learn to respect how your own energy impacts others and each precious, present moment.
Listening to yourself and to others is a skill, a muscle you need to strengthen. Let people speak until they pause, then you pause. This brief moment provides you with the space to respond with what they need to hear as opposed to what you want to tell them. Oftentimes we are so uncomfortable with silence that we tend to fill the gap with unhelpful words that cloud and compromise the power of the entire connection between us and another. Each conversation is an opportunity to unite energy with another human and send out wavelengths consciously constructed with the intention of the other person’s evolution at heart (the ultimate generosity!). We get to offer our listening as a gift, in each interaction, with others and with Self. And because YOU are the universe, it is also a gift to yourself.
You get to enjoy your own waves of love coming back to you and surf them with passion and playfulness!”
There is an entire chapter on asteya and many ways in which you can recognize and heal “stealing” in your life. My book: No Mat Required, is available on Amazon and will provide you with a great opportunity to dive deeper into the Yamas with space and prompts for reflection.
Thank you beautiful human,
The lenses and perspectives of which we can view all of these “seeds” is innumerable and my own are limited to my limitations! As always, my intention is to offer you inspiration to begin to get curious and explore yourself and how you BE in this world. And of course to remember that, YOU are at your source GOOD and DIVINE.
All my love,
Andrea Dawn