You are the Sun, Citta is the Sky

I have good news: citta pronounced cheetah, it turns out, has only 12 Sanskrit to English translations as comparatively to yoga which has upwards of 15! Here are just a few: intelligence, perception, observing, thinking, reflecting, heart, mind, and memory. Citta is like a holding space that contains all of who we think we are, our mind, ego, and our intelligence. Citta is like the sky, it’s the space in between the Sun and the Earth. The Sun is the source or the true you, the sky is the citta where lots of clouds and birds and planes and all sorts of movement happen (yoga calls these our vrtti’s), and the Earth is all of the physical including your human experience.

So there you are, being the sun, hanging out way up high, just burning all bright and glorious like you do and your life is happening down there on Earth. Since you are the Sun, one would think you’d be able to observe your life quite clearly, but what’s that? Oh dang, it’s hurricane Irma hurdling along directly below you, so now instead of seeing the interaction that you are having with your Dad, all you can see is torrential downpour and debilitating wind. In fact, even though it’s happening below you, you feel it, you actually feel like you are getting wet and windburn, which is as ridiculous as us believing we are our sadness or our pain, or our insecurities. But it sure as shit feels like you are standing naked being drenched by these mega-roided droplets. Here we are, the sun believing we are a hurricane and now it’s the hurricane who is talking to Dad, not me, or you or the Sun. This does not make for excellent conversation, let me tell you. I have had more conversations with my father in full on doubtful, scared, hurricane get-up, then I care to remember. To complicate matters even further, in come the clouds. The clouds are like all of your memories and your emotions attached to those memories. So even when the hurricane passes and you realize you are not the hurricane, and you can’t believe you’ve been fooled by it, once again, now all you see are big puffy cumulous clouds.

So often we are living our days so entrenched in the cumulous clouds of our traumas. This leaves us blind and deaf to have any clue to decipher what is actually happening versus what we are experiencing within ourselves. My sky has a perpetual parade of planes and birds and clouds and storms. BUT every once in awhile the rain and my light, they meet up jusssst right, and I get to experience myself, the sun, as a rainbow. So now the secret is out, you have been informed. You have received your divine message. You are the sun. And as the sun, it is your mission to shine your light onto yourself every single day. It’s your duty to ride that magic rainbow slide to the pot of gold that awaits you in every now moment.

When we finally realize that we are the sun, we get to create a clear sky. We have the opportunity to visit each one of those storms and clouds and politely un-invite them. In fact, we have the ability to cancel the parade all together. This is yoga, it is venturing into the sky space or your citta and hauling out anything that is blocking your rainbow slide, to rid yourself, or let’s be real, just begin to calm, all of these tornadoes and hailstorms and weather concoctions of commotion.

So tomorrow morning when you wake up, smile, open your eyes and receive your sunlight, then vow to make your sun mission sacred. Hell, let us vow to dive headfirst down that rainbow slide as many times a day as possible and arrive into every interaction, with yourself, with others, and with life, giggling and glowing as the gorgeous incarnation of the actual sun itself. Yes that’s YOU. It’s the news that FOX and CNN have conveniently forgot to report, YOU dear one, YOU are the very light you’ve been longing for.

Muchas Gracias mi amigos.

May this interpretation of citta gift you with some imagery to access throughout your days when you feel lost, alone, frustrated, or any other emotion. May you feel yourself as the magnificent source of sun that you are.

All my love,

Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler