Dull Dreaming = Dull Life

We get to use our imaginations to create heaven or hell. We get to replenish and renew, or, rehash and reprimand. To imagine is to create in your mind an idea that does not exist in your reality here on this planet Earth. That sounds real nice and fuzzy until that same faculty becomes the main resource for your own suffering. Kinda like ice cream can be ecstasy in your mouth until its an ache in your belly. 

We can imagine past events turning out differently, or future conversations and the 1,000 different directions they could go. If I say this then she will say this, then I would say this, then he would argue this, then I would justify it with these three reasons, then she would counter reason number three and claim my ignorance and on, and on, and on. We are willing to spend countless hours imagining shit we don’t even want to happen instead of dreaming up the desires that we do. Not only has this become our normal, it has diminished our ability and even the belief that we have the ability, to live a life that has not been spoon fed to us out of a generic cereal box with cereal that was concocted to poison us. Yes, the box calls itself Lucky Charms, but the charms, they are not lucky, the marshmallows are not magical, and they will not lead us to a pot of gold. More likely towards cancer where the only clovers we will get to spot are from the window of our hospital bed.

So every time you are having a fake conversation in your head, or you are re-playing all of the times he deceived you……that gets to be the helpful reminder to switch your station from garbage to glitter, from cancer to creation, and from fear to freedom. All day every day there is going to be competition for your attention. Where you place it matters a great deal, for it is our main source of income, or somebody else’s. If I choose to mold and shape my mental space with my hands of love, intentions of integrity, and goals of evolution, then my income gets to foster a rich, fulfilled, and joyous outcome. But if my mental space is fueled with anger, jealousy, and delusion, then I have wasted all of my precious income to create an outcome that is drama ridden, soul sucking, and a waste of my human existence. The mind can be your ally or your assassin. 

It is only ever you that has the power to imagine yourself into all that you dream and desire. You get to question all that has been told to you and dare to dream it different. You get to cast away the labels and stories that you are choosing to remain in service to. I am no longer the black sheep of the family, but the bright shiny star, illuminating all that is. She is no longer the frumpy, stay at home mom, but the sweet and sexy super hero, doing the worlds most valuable work and ushering the next generation into the light of change. 

You have the power dear one….

Put your imagination at the helm and ride your ship into a day dream designed with love as its vast sky, littered with stars that are portals into passion, and powered by a sun with rays of endless, overlapping smiles that illuminate all that is good.  

I feel blessed and honored to be sharing these sentiments with you. May they spark a conversation, generate an intention, or inspire some questions for you. These musings were derived from my study on vikalpa (the third vrtti or fluctuation of the heart/mind space). Vikalpa can be translated as imagination which can be used to fuel freedom or fear. Ultimately yoga is asking us to free ourselves even from this imagination, as we cease thoughts and unite with all that is, but until then, let’s cultivate our ability to dream in the direction of our desires rather than our doubts. 

Shanti Shanti Shanit


Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler