The Koshas: Pranamayakosha

We as humans are comprised of layers, from our bodies to our breath to our mind to our wisdom to our bliss. These layers are not separate. They do not stand alone. They are interwoven like indigenous Guatemalan tapestries. Each thread is a journey of its own and also an integral part of the whole masterpiece. We can begin with the most dense outer layer of our physical being, our annamayakosha and be lead into an intricate system of energy called our prana, or our life force, or that which enables the body to move and the mind to think. It is this intelligence that coordinates our senses, and the perceptible manifestation of our higher selves. This is our pranamayakosha. 

Fortunately and unfortunately, I have witnessed the precise moment of transition of both my father and our furry beloved dog Guster. The prana shakti which animates the aliveness of our beings is so apparent in that moment. It is essential that we realize while we are still here, occupying our bodies, that we have been annointed caretaker of this aliveness. It is our divine responsibility to nourish it. We have the power to bless our own aliveness with mindful breathing, clean air, sunshine, nutrients, fresh water, solution oriented conversation, and loving relationships. This blessing activates and expands the breadth, width, and depth of which we get to experience ourselves and life on a daily basis. 

So while it may be true, that each breath we take is one breath closer to our death, it is also true, that each breath we take is one more opportunity gifted, to experience ourselves as the incarnation of the divine. It is never too late and you are never too old to breathe this very breath as the very same breath of God herself. 

Dearest Reader,

Thank you for your time. It is such a gift to have this platform to connect and share our thoughts and ideas. It is always my intention to offer you an offering, from my heart to yours, that wether you agree or disagree, you feel into a part of yourself not yet discovered.


Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler