"Go with the Flow," Worst Advice Ever

If karma is action then samskara is the consequence of the action. So if an action is repeated, so is the consequence. If you walk the same trail daily, a pathway begins to form. When water flows the same flow, a stream is carved. When you drive the same route to work, your mind doesn’t even have to show up anymore, and you somehow still make it to work. These pathways or grooves are called samskaras of which can be super duper or super sucky. They can whisk you into the arms of a waterfall or a wasteland dependent upon the quality of the accumulation of your actions. 

“Go with the flow,” might sound like helpful advice until we realize the flow isn’t really a flow, it’s a flood of fast food, pharmaceuticals, phones, and fake news. The flood waters are inhabited with some mighty shady characters named addiction, self-loathing, and fear. These characters are master manipulators and will absolutely hold you captive until you decide to be the captain.

And you are the captain, you have always been the captain. But perhaps you have been told by the infamous “them” that you are just an inept sailor that best follow the charted course, of which has been sailed by all of society’s sailors, of whom never realize they are slaves, serving some green origami God that most definitely does not grow on trees because trees would be a much better God to worship. 

As captain, you get to explore all of the unknown waters, for this is where the Princess of Presence lives in her Palace of Prosperity. And when I say Prosperity, I am referring to an abundance of inner peace, purpose, and play. When we consciously or unconsciously choose to sail the same seas time and time again, we become blind, deaf, and dumb to the miracles all around us and can only see, hear, and prioritize the narrative of the green origami God. 

Sometimes the pre-paved path is absolutely the way to go, when chosen in purpose, we get to skip and play hopscotch and jump rope, down it’s familiar path, belly laughing all the way. But most days we live without really living, we see without really seeing, we hear without really hearing and we feel without really feeling. Samskaras can be like spells cast upon us, poisoning our possibilities of infinite opportunity. We must decide to break the spell that enslaves us and cast are very own. The spell is not for you to find somewhere in some obscure Harry Potter-esque spell book. The spell is for you to make up in every moment of every day, for when the action is conscious backed with whole-hearted intent, we can no longer be washed down-stream into the formidable flood of fear. 

Each smile you genuinely smile, each conversation you honestly have, each meal you sincerely savor, each song you dare to dance, and each I love you that you authentically offer, is a step on the trail of truth. We don’t have to think about karma and samskaras, but we do have to commit to being the captain of our moments. These moments are either our path of happy or our path of hell.

Let us all commit to being our own captains and exploring each moment with the beautiful Princess of Presence of whom has eternally pledged her love. Let us accept her invitation to guide us into the Palace of Prosperity and understand that by slowing down enough to gaze into her eyes, hold and feel the softness of her hands, and receive her offering of each breath of life with gratitude, is the secret spell of which we have been searching for. Perhaps to our surprise she will walk us right into our own hearts where this most majestic palace of inner peace and overflowing prosperity has been ever so patiently awaiting our arrival. Welcome home sisters and brothers. Won’t you stay and play?

Today is the day, the only one you can make the best one of your life, so I am honored that you have chosen to connect with me on this ever so special day of yours. May you be overwhelmed with joy and love and laughter.


Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler