There is ONLY One Way to Source
Atha: now.
Atha is the first word of the yoga sutras. It’s clearly got some power to it, I mean, Echart Tolle and his millions of readers surely agree. Now is now, it’s this moment, where we are, as we are, and who we are. This now moment is the compilation of all previous now moments and so the now that is perpetually showing up is the direct portal to being exactly who you want to be.
If we were to sum up the yoga sutras in one word, it would be with: Atha: now. Yet, regardless of how many sages and prophets all tell us that now is the only place to be, we keep on insisting that now is somewhere over the rainbow where skies are blue. Why would we go over the rainbow?! Wouldn't it be more exciting to be, in, the rainbow and experience its plethora of colors?
Now is the unconditional open invitation being extended to, as Ram Dass put it, “be here now.” For me, I resonate more deeply with, “be her now,” and for my brothers, “be him now.”
In this now moment, I get to be her. I get to be the girl who speaks up even when she is scared. I get to be the girl who loves boldly even in the face of rejection. I get to be, her, who chooses to stand up, stand out, and stand true in upholding integrous values despite anyone else’s opinions about them. You get to be him too. We all get to join forces with the now moment to embody exactly who we choose to be. When this now moment is realized with the grandeur and respect of which it holds, then love will obviously show up at the forefront of everyones’ now moment. This empowers our voices and our choices.
Love is the ultimate solution to everything, it is the nucleus of which all other proposed solutions must originate from. It’s the endless supply of rocket fuel that requires no drilling because it comes from Source itself. This now moment is the direct access to Source. How curious that we will spend all of our time trying to figure out Source, instead of jumping into now’s rocket ship and being with Source. It’s almost as if we would rather study about the universe then to actually be one with the universe. We spend lifetimes endlessly packing facts into our brain so that we can “know” about Source, as a distraction from walking through the often, raw and uncomfortable vulnerability that now and Source require from us.
Now equals: No Other Way. There is no ‘way’ to find, and no pot of gold to discover, there is no book to unearth and no guru to locate. ‘The way’ can only move through you, as you, in this very now moment. The way is not separate from you, ‘the way’ is YOU and your vehicle is awaiting you right atha, now!
My beloved sisters and brothers, thank you. Thank you for choosing to consider my perspective. Exploring the yoga sutras has profoundly changed my life and I continue to learn and expand each time I revisit; it has truly been a guide and companion these past few years and it is my absolute honor to share the way that I interpret them in this now moment, atha!
May you be blessed and feel how loved you are,
Andrea Dawn