Have your Morals been Masked?
When I think about us humans and where we are dropping the ball, abhyasa, comes barreling into my mind-scape, boldly, with blinding neon lights and sirens raging. Abhyasa is the consistent, sincere, effort required to attain progress, of which is founded by the intention of a higher good for self and all beings.
We humans are so damn smart and capable that it seems our brains have bullshitted our hearts. Our brains have literally masked and manipulated our morals into a state of blind adherence to anything and everything that will get us what we think we want, right here and right now, without an iota of discernment and commitment. “I think I want that donut, I think I want that designer purse, I think I want that one night stand with the hottie from the coffee shop.” I can mindlessly push a button, swipe a piece of plastic, walk into a mall, or open my email and be presented with an opportunity to satisfy my hollow, baseless, wants on a whim.
When my thoughts are left unexamined, untethered from the purity of my heart, they are actually just a bunch of commercials enticing me to voluntarily lock myself in a prison of poisonous propaganda, running across the screen of my mind, just like the television, telling lies visually. How easily we have become trained to believe biases born of greed and gluttony to build empires of glass castles.
The good news (yes this actually exists, despite overwhelming evidence on the contrary), is that we can pick up the ball at anytime. The even better news, is that it’s ok if we drop it, as long as we stay committed to picking it up again. Over and over and over again, we commit, with our good hearts, and our true nature of kindness and compassion, to simply keep picking up our ball and practice taking one step at a time. Eventually we will be able to take two steps holding the ball, then three, then four, then before you know it, we are walking a mile with the ball, holding it with a single hand and freeing our other to assist those around us who are also sincerely, trying to pick up their ball.
Your power lies in your willingness to pick up your ball, and not just any ball, it’s a chosen ball. The ball I am very purposely picking up, has not been carelessly pumped with arbitrary air, but one that has been stuffed with genuine feathers of love, truth, integrity, alignment, freedom, purity, contentment, passion, self actualization, and source itself, (and yes those are the Yamas and Niyamas). Some days it’s no biggie to pick up your ball and it feels delightful, light and breezy, glazed with a sweet coconut scent, but other days, picking up the ball feels like the heaviest, smelliest, and most awkward, task ever. These are the days that picking up our ball is of utmost importance….. for growth and embodiment will no doubt transpire. This transpiring is our conscious evolution of self, right past brute instinct and into the waiting arms of love as the foundation of humanity’s existence.
Today is always the day to pick up your ball, regardless if you dropped it yesterday, or if you forgot about it for the past five years. Let us all sincerely commit, today and forever, to picking up and holding the ball of conscious love in the palm or our hands.
Dearest of dear souls,
Please know how honored I am that you have taken the time to read and consider my thoughts. It is always my objective to open hearts and minds in whatever capacity would be of service, whether that is in agreement is irrelevant, for it is simply the consideration that I value. For me, agreement is not the purpose, but perspective is. The more I can not know, is the more I gift my heart and mind and this directly correlates to the more space I have to love.
From my heart to yours,
Thank you and namaste,
Andrea Dawn