Kleshas: Avidya: Confusing Impermanence with Permanence
Avidya is the veil. It is the disconnection with Spirit, or perhaps what we could call a spiritual case of mistaken identity, sort of like going through your whole life believing you are Sally only to find out one day that you are the goddess Saraswati (true story for all of us). We go through most of life completely consumed in our own narration of the roles that we are acting out that we didn’t even audition for. Each day piles upon one another and the veil grows darker and thicker along with our inability to know ourselves beyond our skin suits. The back up generator can only run for so long. To dispel the veil requires that we plug into Source.
The forgetting of our true nature is avidya. A remembering is required to walk this earth in purpose, on purpose, and in complete presence as a witness of yourself and life as divinity in form. Yet how often to we mope through our days as witness to only our screens and our complaints? How often do we sacrifice sunsets for Netflix, or disregard human connection in favor of worry for tomorrow’s work?
We think we have today, that we are promised tomorrow and guaranteed next year. This is the veil of avidya, it is like our daily dose of delusion that suppresses our appetite to be alive in this brand spankin new moment. We throw away our precious moment to moments with an air of boredom and a snicker of arrogance that diminishes the aliveness of this right now. This right now of life is the permanence. It is always the only space in which we have to live. This right now is the outlet, the portal, the gateway, the ride, the slide, and the womb of creation herself. It is here we can hear earths heart beat in tune with our own in tune with yours, with his, and with hers. Only here can we hear the magical symphony that nature plays for us and if we let her, with us.
The quality of our now, is the quality of our connection. How’s your signal? We get to have full bars, it’s just a matter of wether you choose to charge. How do you charge? And that’s the beauty of ourselves, we devise our device. I personally charge up with song, and spiritual text, and belly laughs, and friends that speak spells of grace to me, and nature, nature, nature, the sky, the stars, the sun, the moon, the waters, the rocks the trees, the bees and the breeze. Charge yourself with prayers of gratitude, hugs, helping hands, daily intentions, unbiased observations, winks, smiles, cries, and a readiness to release all of the I knows for I am always right now. Meow.
Dearest Dear Reader,
Thank you so very much for your consideration when delving into yoga philosophy. The commitment to these studies is always, always my reminder to commune with nature, with God, and to remember daily that this nature, is my nature, and that is unchanging.
Andrea Dawn