Bust out of your Acorn and into your Oak TODAY
Our sacred roots, are our sacred reasons, and it is the strength, depth, and width of our sacred reason roots that determines our power to go from acorn to oak. There is no question of the potential itself, that’s a given, weaved into the very fabric of our beings. The question lies in whether or not we choose to play out our passions or pass them up, like last night’s leftovers. The question lies in the realness of our reasons. When we give to get, or perform to be seen, or speak for approval, sacred is stifled, and our potential becomes paralyzed.
It seems to me that passion has been mocked by our society as something to partake in only when and, if, we have satisfied the “to do’s” on our “to do” list of which were written by someone who wanted, you, to do, their “to do’s.” Our nation has put passion in the corner, like Baby, as something less than an absolute priority. Passion is not something we “should” make time for, passion IS what time is for. That spark, that feeling of aliveness, that untamable excitement, is what we came here to the physical world to feel.
It is time to root all the way down to our realness, for it is at the depth of this realness that a fierce coiled snake named Passion is lying in wait for our awakening. This awakening initiates the kind of courage it took for Baby to leap off the stage into Patrick Swayze’s arms. This awakening is here for us to choose it, in the now o’clock, because now is always the time for us to have, “the time of our lives.” Now is the time for us to call bullshit on the bullshit and refuse all the kinds of shits, whether they be establishments, systems, beliefs, or relationships. Now is always the time to prioritize the unique beat of your passion and realize it as the very pulse of this planet. To deny the heartbeat of the planet is a death sentence, a sure fire way to dis-ease.
Today is the day that we affirm our roots as sacred. Today, we, made of stardust, stand before the Van Gogh sky, encircled, grounded, and held by all of our reason roots. We behold them with honor and respect and we consciously choose to activate our snake named Passion to energize and actualize our vast potential, for ourselves and for all of humanity.
Thank you. Thank you for choosing your precious Now O’clock to read and consider my perspective. Open minds equal open hearts and open hearts are the gateway to passion. And that commitment to living with an open heart is one I fully aspire to. I feel blessed to connect my open heart with yours.
Andrea Dawn